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How to Back Up Your Work and Never Lose Your Files Again | FromHighSchooltoUni

3 ways to back up your work and save your projects

Desk with computer and tidy organised study space

You've been working hard on your assignment all weekend and you're almost finished. You just need to add a few sentences and polish it up. You hit the save button and... nothing happens. Your Wi-Fi is down. PANIC! You check your laptop. The file is gone. You've lost hours of work and you've got a deadline in a few hours. NIGHTMARE!

If you've ever experienced this, you know how stressful it is! FromHighSchooltoUni has three easy ways to back up your work and keep your files safe and accessible.

1. The No-Brainer Method: Google Docs

One of the easiest and most convenient ways to back up your work is to use Google Docs which automatically saves your documents as you type, so you don't have to worry about losing your progress. You can also access your documents from any device, so long as you have an internet connection. And if you need to work offline, you can enable Google docs offline mode and sync your changes later.

2. Quick and Easy Hack: Email Yourself a Copy

Another option is to email yourself a copy of your work each time you make a significant update. That way, you'll have a backup version in your inbox that you can retrieve if something goes wrong with your laptop or file. There is a secondary benefit to this method in that retrieving a document is sometimes easier when you know the approximate date you worked on it, so you can look at your sent emails to find the latest version, in case you don't remember the file name.

3. The Ultimate Backup: An External Hard Drive

A third option is to invest in an external hard drive to store all your files safely. This device that can store large amounts of data and is connected to your laptop via a USB cable. You can use it to back up your files from your laptop and physically store them separately in a safe place. An external hard drive can also protect your data from potential viruses, malware or accidental deletion.

Don't rely on your laptop alone to store your important assignments and projects. By following these tips, you can avoid losing your work due to technical issues and keep your work safe and accessible.

Now that you know how to back up your work, why not share this post with your friends and classmates? They might also benefit from FromHighSchooltoUni's helpful tips. And if you want more advice on how to survive and thrive at university, subscribe to our FromHighSchooltoUni newsletter and get the latest updates delivered to your inbox.


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